6 Reasons Why We Need Biofuels

As the smartest technologies continue to deliver benefits, this includes the positive impact on the environment and an improved economy. The role of biodiesel is not meant to replace fossil fuel but to help form a balanced policy. Biofuel is created to be an ideal substitute to extending the use of longevity of diesel.

The primary goal to biodiesel is to provide energy security and benefit the local communities. There are six reasons why we need biofuels.

Easy to Use

One of the main reasons why we need biofuel is that it can be used in today’s engines, infrastructures and vehicles without the need to make changes. Biofuel can be stored, burned and pumped the same way as petroleum diesel fuel. It can also be used in blended or pure forms safely. The fuel economy will benefit from using biofuel as it is nearly identical to petroleum fuel and can be utilised all year round.

While older vehicles that are over fifteen years old will require fuel line replacements, biofuel can cause the lines to crack. Biofuel can release fuel tank deposits. The user will be able to switch between biofuel and petroleum whenever needed without complications.

Biofuel provides energy security

Energy security is the most constant supply that is available and affordable for consumers as well as the industry. Some of the many risks to energy security are disrupting the supply of fossil fuels, energy price hikes and limited sources of fuel.

Many countries are currently attracted to the idea of using biofuels from local sources to be used as fuel alternatives. This primarily included the UK, who is now depending on fossil fuel.

Builds economic development

Increasing the investment in biofuels will result in a boost of growth in the economy. This means that there will be more jobs and new sources of income for farmers in the industry. Developing countries will benefit from the economic growth in the demand for world energy.

The demand is expected to increase by 84% as new sources of energy such as biofuel will be expected to meet this requirement.

Greenhouse Gas and Emission Reduction

In the United Kingdom, transportation carries more than a fifth of the total greenhouse gas emissions. With the appropriate method of production, biofuel will produce a significant amount of greenhouse gas emission than is currently produced from fossil fuel. This leads to the potential of addressing the important challenges we face today regarding fuel quality and emission.

Biodiesel is also claimed to be the most successful alternative fuel to complete the rigorous emissions and health study under EPA’s Clean Air Act. Biofuel will reduce emissions of carcinogenic compounds as high as 85%.

Energy Balance

The energy balance of fuel is the ratio of how much energy is required to produce, manufacture and distribute to compare to the amount of energy that is released when fuel is burned.

As energy security continues to grow as a topic in both society and government around the world, biofuel has a high energy balance compared to other fuel alternatives. Without a steady supply of affordable energy, the economy of the country will come to a halt with no energy to run power plants, transportation, and heat homes.

Biofuel can help to improve energy security can help to improve energy balance through domestic energy crops. The plants are used to produce biofuel in replacement of imported crude oil. Biofuel will also add to the overall national capacity to reduce the need for import oil.

Recyclable and Biodegradable

Biofuel is proven to be less toxic that diesel as its attributes makes it less likely to harm the environment and cost less damage. Biofuel is found to be less toxic that table salt as it is a natural, non-toxic vegetable oil. Biofuel is also fifteen less toxic than common species of fish.

Biofuel is proven to be safer to handle than petroleum fuel due to its low volatility. The high amount of energy does make it a danger of accidental ignition as the fuel will create enough vapour to ignite. It can be done with different fats and oils, including waste cooking oil. Recycled oils will increase their value and make them more cost effective.

With Biofuels, this helps to create multiple benefits to a thriving market. In Europe, green fuels are being used around the continent and expected to grow by 2020.

What do you think about biofuel? Comment below and let us know what you think!

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